Bluetooth Hacking

Bluetooth Hacking is one the least understood and underappreciated vector into your phone, Smart Home, IoT, and SCADA systems! Learn the simplest to most advanced Bluetooth hacks. Enhance your resume and your value to cybersecurity firms by mastering Bluetooth Hacking. This course is available as part of our Subscriber Pro or Path to Cyberwarrior package at no extra cost.

    1. BTH DAY 1 PART 1

    2. BTH DAY 1 PART 2

    3. BTH DAY 1 PART 3

    4. BTH DAY 1 PART 4

    5. BTH DAY 1 PART 5

    6. BTH DAY 1 PART 6

    1. BTH DAY 2 PART 1

    2. BTH DAY 2 PART 2

    3. BTH DAY 2 PART 3

    4. BTH DAY 2 PART 4

    5. BTH DAY 2 PART 5

    6. BTH DAY 2 PART 6

    1. BTH DAY 3 PART 1

    2. BTH DAY 3 PART 2

    3. BTH DAY 3 PART 3

    4. BTH DAY 3 PART 4

    5. BTH DAY 3 PART 5

About this course

  • 8 hours of video content


To get the most from the class, you will need the following hardware and software:

1. A Bluetooth 5.0 or greater external USB adapter

2. a MicroBit Adapter

3. Dragon OS and Kali OS

4. A HackRF One

5. Nordic Semi-conductor nRF5280 USB dongle

Additional Trainings