
    1. Introduction

    2. Malware Taxonomy

    3. x86 Basic Architecture Part I

    4. x86 Basic Architecture Part II

    5. Determining the type of sample

    1. Strings

    2. Analyzing Ransomware Part I

    3. Analyzing Ransomware Part II

    4. Analyzing Malware with different tools

    5. Analyzing RedLineStealer

    6. Fundamentals of C Programming

    1. Installing and Initializing Ghidra

    2. Reverse Engineering Basics with Ghidra

    3. Reverse Engineering Ransomware Part I

    4. Reverse Engineering Ransomware Part II

    5. Reverse Engineering RedLineStealer Part I

    6. Reverse Engineering RedLineStealer Part II

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content

Reverse Engineering Malware

One of the highest paid skills on the market.