OSINT Investigator Bundle
Gain one-year access to our training platform and community, along with a voucher for the exam, and become a Certified OSINT Investigator!
Unlock the ultimate OSINT experience with our comprehensive OSINT Investigator Bundle. Gain 1-year access to our cutting-edge training platform and vibrant community, where knowledge is shared and connections are built. This bundle also includes a voucher for the Certified OSINT Investigator (COI) exam, enabling you to earn an industry-recognized certification.
Take the first step towards becoming an OSINT expert. With this bundle, you’ll acquire the skills, connections, and credentials needed to excel in one of the fastest-growing fields in cybersecurity. Start your journey today!
Check out the courses and training you'll get access to!
This is a voucher to take the Certified OSINT Investigator (COI) Certification exam.
This is our community, the place where we share knowledge.
Individual Courses
Ready to join one of the fastest-growing fields? Become a Certified OSINT Investigator (COI) with four days of OSINT training videos and a free test voucher.